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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Hot dog stand worker became multimilonaire "genius pill" used as game changer

James Payne, an ex-hotdog stand worker turned multi-millionaire has been in the media lately as the man who came from nowhere and became rich on the stock market. While there are many stories like this, what was interesting was how quickly he did it...and with no real knowledge with stocks. He recently sat down with Discovery magazine and admitted that he credits his success to a smart pill that changed his life. “I was working all day and night at the hot dog stand when I heard of changed everything. It doesn’t just give me more energy and mental clarity…it literally zaps me into the zone at any given time without getting stressed or irritated. You don’t have to change your daily routines or spend countless hours working. It simply clears up your mind and let’s you access the knowledge you never knew you had."

The millionaire is talking about a brain boosting pill that is being called the biggest advancement in brain science - ever. Scientists at the University of Florida have developed a remarkable new IQ boosting supplement which they say significantly boosts focus, creativity and raw IQ scores. According to lead researcher Harry Stevens "Mind enhancing supplements have been around for years. The difference this time is we have clinical trials and scientific studies that clearly show how powerful this is."..

A study conducted across 500 male and female subjects at the university showed remarkable promise for the supplement. Run over a 3 month time period, participants saw significant boosts in overall concentration and creative problem solving. Furthermore, IQ scores increased by an average of 40% from day 1 to day 90. As one participant cleverly put it - "it's like viagra for the brain!"

As we researched, we began to see that this supplement has been quickly gaining traction around the world. Celebrities and athletes alike are already rumoured to be taking the pill with the full scale public release expected shortly. The company and product is called Intellux.The site claimed that Intellux contained a very unique formulation of natural vitamins and minerals which together unlock untapped parts of the human brain. Our resident brain scientist Dr Raqif conducted his own independent analysis of the supplement and his findings seemed to mirror Intellux'sclaims. According to Dr Raqif, "he's never seen a food based supplement deliver such a profound upward lift in brain function before".

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